[106美國直購] Google Wifi AC1200 Dual-Band Whole Home Wi-Fi System (3-Pack) - White
[106美國直購] Google Wifi AC1200 Dual-Band Whole Home Wi-Fi System (3-Pack) - White
[106美國直購] Google Wifi AC1200 Dual-Band Whole Home Wi-Fi System (3-PacDIY零組件使用心得分享心得筆記 DIY零組件最近也有促銷!k) - White
[106美國直購] Google Wifi AC1200 Dual-Band Whole Home Wi-Fi System (3-Pack) - White
[106美國直購] Google Wifi AC1桌上型電腦[敗家] 開箱文簡單開箱文創意開箱 桌上型電腦開箱 評價 評測 ptt推薦 mobile01推薦 2018排名200 Dual-Band Whole Home Wi-Fi System (3-Pack) - White
[106美國直購] Google Wifi AC1200 Dual-Band Whole Home Wi-Fi System (3-Pack) - White
[106美國直購] Google Wifi AC1200 Dual-Band Whole Home Wi-Fi System (3-Pack) - White
Create a reliable internet connection throughout your home with this Google Wi-Fi system. The convenient package of three connectivity points effortlessly covers even large homes up to 4,500 square feet. This Google Wi-Fi system eliminates uneven bandwidth usage among multiple devices, including cellphones and tablets, for an unimpeded connection that doesn't lag behind.
Model NumberNLS-1304-25 3-PACK
Height2.7 inches
Width4.17 inches
請ptt推薦 mobile01推薦各客廳DIY零組件品牌 DIY零組件入手、開箱、評測、感想開箱比較實測 Depth4.17 inches
Weight0.DIY零組件ptt推薦 mobile01推薦mobile01 DIY零組件開箱搶先玩心得報告75 pounds
Flash Memory Installed4 megabytes
Product NameGoogle Wifi AC1200 Dual-Band Whole Home Wi-Fi System (3-pack)
Frequency Band VHF frequencies are best for exclusive outdoor use, as these frequencies will hug the ground and travel further in open areas. UHF frequencies, the more common of the two, tend to penetrate obstructions and will work well both indoors and out.
System RequirementsAndroid device (4.0 or hiDIY零組件開箱 DIY零組件開箱文全紀錄心得報告gher) or iOS device (iOS 8 or higher), Google Account
桌上型電腦3C開箱資訊評測 桌上型電腦[敗家] 簡單開箱文創意開箱Plug and Play Operation
Maximum Speed1200 megabits per second
Port Type(s) USB 2.0 connects external drives, gaming controllers, smartphones, MP3 players and other accessories. USB 3.0 transfers data faster嚴選智慧型手機智能ptt推薦 mobile01推薦 than USB 2.0, but only when used with USB 3.0 devices. USB Type-C provides fast speeds and versatile power, featuring connectors with identical ends that plug in upside down or right side up. Adapters allow for video as well as backward compatibility. Thunderbolt provides ultra-high bandwidth for fast data transfer between devices featuring a Thunderbolt or MiniDisplayPort connection. HDMI allows you to connect a projector or display HD media on your HDTV or monitor. Media card slots allow you to transfer photos from your digital camera or camcorder.RJ-45
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[106美國直購] Google Wifi AC1200 Dual-Band Whole Home Wi-Fi System (3-Pack) - White
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[106美國直購] Google Wifi AC1200 Dual-Band Whole Home Wi-Fi System (3-Pack) - White
[106美國直購] Google Wifi AC1200 Dual-Band Whole Home Wi-Fi System (3-Pack) - White
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[106美國直購] Google Wifi AC1200 Dual-Band Whole Home Wi-Fi System (3-Pack) - White
[106美國直購] Google Wifi AC1200 Dual-Band Whole Home Wi-Fi System (3-Pack) - White
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[106美國直購] Google Wifi AC1200 Dual-Band Whole Home Wi-Fi System (3-Pack) - White
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[106美國直購] Google Wifi AC1200 Dual-Band Whole Home Wi-Fi System (3-Pack) - White
[106美國直購] Google Wifi AC1200 Dual-Band Whole Home Wi-Fi System (3-Pack) - White
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